Imran Iqbal
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LRA Withdraws the Entity Rating of Nawaloka Medicare (Pvt) Ltd
Rating Type | Entity | |
Current (26-Jul-24) |
Previous (24-Jan-23) |
Action | Withdraw | Initial |
Long Term | - | BBB |
Outlook | Stable | |
Rating Watch | - | - |
Subsequent to the management's decision to discontinue the rating, LRA withdraws the entity rating of Nawaloka Medicare (Pvt) with immediate effect.
the Entity
Nawaloka Medicare (Pvt) Ltd., is a limited liability company incorporated under the Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007 of Sri Lanka. The Company was established in 2013 and is principally involved in providing Radiology & imagining services, Ambulance, Physiotherapy centre, Dialysis, Endoscopy/ Colonoscopy, Fertility Centre as well providing the facilities such as Hospital rooms & services, Maternity wards, Accident & Emergency, Day surgery, Intensive care unit and Operating theatres. The Chairman, Mr. Harshith Dharmadasa has been a director of Nawaloka Hospital PLC since 2000 and has over 25 years of executive Management experience. The board is headed by the owner who is also the chairman and the other two executive directors, Ms. Tracey Dian Dharmadasa and Mr. Harshula Dharmadasa who are close family members.