Lanka Rating Agency
Press Release


Gayani Randima Ariyawansa
+94 114 500099

Applicable Criteria

  • Methodology | Debt Instrument Rating | Jun-22

Related Research

  • Sector Study | Holding Company | Mar-24

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LRA Maintains Instrument Rating to LOLC Holdings PLC - LKR 15bn Commercial Paper

Rating Type Commercial Paper
Action Initial Preliminary
Short Term A1 A1
Outlook Stable Stable
Rating Watch Yes Yes

The rating reflects LOLC Holding's (“the HoldCo”) robust position as the ultimate Holding Company of the LOLC Group (the Group) - one of the largest conglomerates in Sri Lanka (Asset Base of LKR~1.7trn – FY24). The Group has diversified geographically and has presence in 25 countries, primarily in South and South East Asia, Central Asia, Africa, and MENA Region. At the broader level, the Group's operating segments are clustered into financial and non-financial segments, with financial segment possessing the higher share of ~89.5% in the Group's revenue. The assigned rating incorporates the cumulative impact of the financial performance of the Group in addition to the standalone performance of the HoldCo. Historically, the HoldCo's financial performance has remained strong despite economic challenges in Sri Lanka. Diversification in other segments and USD based revenues have provided cushion and strengthened profitability. The HoldCo’s net profits have increased to LKR~29.8bn in FY24 from LKR~22.4bn in FY23. The Group’s net profit remained stagnant at LKR~21.7bn in FY24 (FY23: LKR~21.6bn). The debt-to-equity ratio remains comfortable at the HoldCo level but has increased to ~51.3% in FY24 (FY23: ~42.7%). The HoldCo’s financial liabilities are dominated by short-term debts, mostly Commercial Paper (CP) Programs, representing ~62% of the total debt. This is mainly because of higher intercompany lending (FY24: LKR~195.9bn; FY23: LKR~117.6bn). Reduction in interest rates bodes well for the Group and HoldCo, given high amount of debt. Short-term debt is expected to be successfully rolled over but needs to be managed carefully considering higher quantum of borrowings maturing within 12 months. Meanwhile. the HoldCo’s liquidity profile consists of investments, placements with financial institutions and unutilized short-term lines. The Group and HoldCo are taking several initiatives to improve liquidity and reduce debt. The "Rating Watch" signifies these initiatives and materialization of the same in timely manner. These include divestment of certain strategic investments and liquidation of Government Securities.
Successful and timely completion of the management's plan to divest assets and reduce borrowings is important for the rating. Improvement in the debt mix towards long term debt to alleviate pressure on short-term repayments will and reduction in debt level will be positive. Meanwhile, enhanced cashflows from operations and materialization of envisaged plans for income generation are imperative to improve the HoldCo's financial matrix.

About the Entity
LOLC Holdings PLC ("the HoldCo") is a Public Quoted Company incorporated in 1980. The HoldCo became the Holding Company of the Group in 2011. The largest shareholding of the HoldCo lies with Mr. Ishara Nanayakkara (a leading business entrepreneur) with an ownership of around 80%.

About the Instrument
LOLC Holdings PLC is in the process of issuing LKR15bn Commercial Papers (CP), a short-term, non-collateralized (Unsecured) debt instrument. The tenure of the commercial paper will span from 1 month to 12 months depending on the appetite of the investors. The Commercial Papers will be rolled over at maturity. The purpose of the CP is retire some outstanding short term borrowings.

The primary function of LRA is to evaluate the capacity and willingness of an entity to honor its obligations. Our ratings reflect an independent, professional and impartial assessment of the risks associated with a particular instrument or an entity. LRA's comprehensive offerings include instrument and entity credit ratings, insurer financial strength ratings, fund ratings, asset manager ratings and real estate gradings. LRA opinion is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold a security, in as much as it does not comment on the security's market price or suitability for a particular investor.